Welcome to sewing at M5 Farmhouse!
Aside from this page, there are TWO other pages that are good resources for the KCS program. Please review these additional pages along with the following Welcome Page information.
- Kids Can Sew - Weekly Program: Explains how the KCS program works
- Fabric and Notions Guide/FAQ: Provides information on how, where and what to purchase for class
Classroom/Class time note: The Studio opens 5 MINUTES prior to class start. Please refrain from sending your student into the studio any earlier than 5 minutes before their scheduled class. This helps keep down on distractions while other students are finishing up their tasks. Parents are NOT required to stay during class. In fact, we encourage drop off and pick up of students to cut down on distractions during class.
First Day of class:
- The first class will focus on sewing machine operation and safety. Toward the end of class, we will start working on their first project. See GIRLS LEVEL ONE for project supply lists.
- Students will receive their workbooks, patterns and binder on the first day of class. They will bring them home after the first class so the patterns can be cut and sorted into their binders at home. After the first class, the binders will stay in the studio for the remainder of the session. See PATTERN SORTING below for more info.
Sizing (VERY important for older KCS Students):
- Kids Can Sew is a company that I purchase our books and patterns from. I did not write the curriculum or patterns so unfortunately, I don't have control over the designs or sizing. Kids Can Sew patterns are technically designed for ages 6 and up range from children's XXS to Large. While I am a fan of their program, they do not do well accommodating some of our preteen-teen students. I do have large samples on hand for students to try on. In the event that one of the Kids Can Sew patterns does not work for your student we will do our best to modify the patter or find another project option.
- See Fabric and Notions Guide/FAQ for detailed information how, where and what to purchase for class.
- The first two projects will be the Notions Bag (small cinch bag) and Sewing Pack (string backpack). Both of these projects will be made from the same cut of fabric. We will start the Notions Bag during the first class so please make sure you bring all of the Notions Bag/Sewing Pack supplies on the first day. The Notions Bag will take 2 to 3 classes to complete. Once the Notions Bag is done, we will start on the Sewing Pack. See GIRLS LEVEL ONE for supply lists. If you would like to save yourself a trip, you can buy the supplies for the Simple Skirt at the same time. I would advise waiting on purchasing other project materials until closer to the project start.
- All supplies and binders will be kept in the studio between classes. The only exception to this is the first class when patterns are sent home for you to sort into the binder. See PATTERN SORTING below for more info.
Pattern Sorting:
- Each student will receive a workbook, binder and patterns on the first day of class. Having the patterns cut and sorted is a valuable time saver when it comes to starting a new project so DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. The patterns are printed on three or four VERY large sheets of tissue paper and have multiple patterns per page. Patterns are large and awkward and blow around at the slightest movement. Cutting them apart in class is quite chaotic and takes up a lot of valuable class time. For this reason, we will be sending your patterns home after the first class for your student to cut, sort and organize at home. It is important to note that one piece of the pants might be on one page while the 2nd part is on another. I recommend sorting them into piles as you cut them apart. For your younger students I find it is helpful to use a pencil to draw approximately where they should be cut. Once cut and sorted, fold all of the pieces neatly and insert them into the corresponding clear plastic sheet protectors in your binder. IMPORTANT: You are only separating the patterns so they can be sorted, DO NOT cut on the blue printed lines! When we start a project, we will measure and cut out the appropriate size in class. See IMAGE for example.
What to wear:
- No Sandals, flip flops or open-toe shoes.
- NO SNOW BOOTS OR FASHION BOOTS. It is difficult for kids to manage the foot pedal in bulky and hard-soled boots. This results in damage to the foot pedals which are very expensive to replace. Please bring shoes to change into if you are wearing boots.
Make Up Classes:
- Make-Up classes are not guaranteed and are only offered if there is an available opening in another class.
- Make-ups are on a first some first serve basis. Please let me know of any scheduled/unscheduled absences asap and I will add you the make-up list. When I am made aware of any openings in another class (vacations, illness, etc) I will start going down the make-up list. Please note that this might be last minute depending on the amount of notice I get from absentees.
- Make-ups can be disruptive to the regularly scheduled students. We want every student to get the most out of every class! For this reason, we only offer 1 make up per session (pending availability). Thanks for understanding!
Nothing crazy, just basic patience and classroom etiquette is expected. BUT, I find it helpful if you discuss these items ahead of class so everyone is on the same page. I do my best to thwart any negative behaviors during class, but if anything persists, I will reach out to you for help from the home front. Thanks for helping out on this!
- Can patiently wait until their turn: There will definitely be times during class when I am helping other students and your student will experience a few minutes of downtime. I do give them 'while you are waiting' tasks and it is expected that they can complete those tasks and not be disruptive while waiting. I find age is a HUGE factor in patience so please keep this in mind if you have a younger student starting the KCS program.
- Follow all classroom & safety rules: Enough said :-) I don't have a lot of 'rules', but the ones I do have help keep the classroom a safe and fun environment for everyone!
- Show respect and kindness: Rudeness and/or criticism of others work will not be tolerated. Sadly, it happens, so please take a moment to discuss classroom etiquette.
- Takes their time and produces good work: Each project will take at least 2 to 4 classes to complete and involves multiple repetitive steps. Some students are disappointed at the time it takes to complete steps or that they won't have a finished project to take home after each class. I find it helps to prep your student ahead of time so they know that sewing is a process and that each step needs to be done with patience, precision and care.
M5 Farmhouse Sewing Students Page of Facebook:
- Please request to join the M5 Farmhouse - Sewing Students Page on Facebook. This is a private page for current students only. We use this page to share photos, ask questions, survey families and provide up to date info. If you are unable to join or do not have FB please let me know asap so I can make sure you are kept in the loop! Here is the FACEBOOK LINK.
Contact Info:
- Kelly Scharber
- Cell Phone: 612-600-4496
- Email: m5farmhousecreations@gmail.com
- Address: 20401 County Rd. 81, Suite #500 (Same building as Jete Dance Centre, just at the opposite end of the building.
- I do not answer my phone during class but will get text notifications.
- Please DO NOT message me via Facebook messenger, I do not get notifications and won't see it in a timely manner.